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Upper School

At [OV] Christian Academy, students learn about God's love

Our Christian education focuses on immersing students in a developmentally-appropriate study of God’s Word as the basis for approaching all other academic disciplines. Our redesigned college-prep, future-ready educational experience prepares students to succeed in an ever-changing world. Integrated learning creates deeper connections through real-world problem-solving, character education, community engagement, and curriculum-based field trips.



Students are best equipped to learn using an interactive learning model that stresses the importance of content knowledge and creative discovery. Using the BJU Press curriculum for all subjects, our teachers utilize instructional methods that are both explanatory and exploratory, with a strong emphasis on student projects to demonstrate understanding. All learning occurs within a biblical worldview, encouraging our middle school students to learn and discover more about how God has uniquely designed them as His loved and purposefully designed children.


The middle school language arts program at OVCA encompasses grammar, literature, writing, novel studies, and vocabulary. Using the Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop curriculum, the students memorize 300 new words each year. This extensive vocabulary study provides students with a solid basis for self-expression. It not only provides them with a verbal arsenal to explain their thoughts clearly and succinctly, but it also equips them to understand the thoughts of others better.


Ocean View Christian Academy's science department has adopted the STEM approach to science education.


Our middle school program begins with an in-depth study of United States history interwoven with global history and world events that impacted our nation’s history. Students study world cultures and geography in eighth grade to prepare for our high school program. Throughout middle school social studies, students spend much of their time reading primary sources, which provide a personal account of the events under examination. These documents do not only offer a firsthand historical report, but they also introduce students to the fact of reliable and unreliable records. The students then act as historians investigating multiple perspectives of the same event and use critical questioning to determine which accounts prove most trustworthy. This training renders the students more judicious when encountering contemporary modes of political dialogue and encourages informed citizenship.


The middle school math program is a comprehensive 6th - 8th-grade curriculum beginning with arithmetic and ending with high school-level algebra. Our sixth-grade course starts with a review of arithmetic and moves on to concepts such as fractions, decimals, negative numbers, logic, and geometry. The 7th grade follows with a rigorous pre-algebra course. The goal is to introduce students to the rules of the algebra. The year ends with a module on geometry and an introduction to linear and non-linear graphing. The 8th-grade algebra course follows a high school-level curriculum. Our Algebra 1 course includes solving advanced equations, graphing, quadratics, radicals, inequalities, exponents, statistics and logic-based word problems, and real-world problems. By the end of the 8th grade, our students are ready to begin geometry in high school.



We are pleased to offer the high school experience at Ocean View Christian Academy. This year our program will be delivered by combining teacher-led learning, video-based instruction, and self-paced work. By exposing them to multiple ways of learning, our students will use a variety of BJU Press curricula, problem-solving, critical thinking, and classical education methods to prepare them for their next best steps.

The high school experience should prepare a student to succeed in any life endeavor. Building on the basic skills and fundamental knowledge gained in the lower school, our comprehensive academic and spiritual program equips our students with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It instills in them the confidence and courage to apply and use those skills. We believe the close, constant, and caring engagement of parents and teachers with the student is at the heart of our program and ensures the student will be well prepared for the next step in their life’s journey. Whether it’s a university, an apprenticeship program, the workplace, entrepreneurship, or the arts, whatever your student chooses, they will leave OVCA assured that they are prepared.

We also believe that high school is the best time and place for a student, with the help of their parents and teachers, to identify and prepare for a worthwhile and personally meaningful pursuit for their life after high school that also honors God. Because all learning at OVCA is from a gospel-centered perspective, we believe that the OVCA High School experience offers the best opportunity for students to learn and practice Christian disciplines in concert with their life’s pursuits.


The English department works to ensure our students become critical thinkers, sound writers, and effective communicators by the time they graduate from the Academy. Through a rigorous study of literature from across the globe, the foundations of grammar, and in-context vocabulary, OVCA students learn to analyze – and love – the written word.


The Social Studies curriculum focuses on developing informed, active citizens who function effectively within the American democratic system. Students learn to integrate concepts gleaned from areas of world cultures and history, American history, American government, and economics. Critical thinking and oral and written presentations are the cornerstones of departmental activities. Students also learn to appreciate the richness of cultural diversity in the US and to comprehend the increasing interdependence of the global community.


Ocean View Christian Academy’s mathematics courses are sequential, each building upon the preceding one. Logic, recognition of mathematical patterns, computation, critical thinking, and mathematical insight are stressed in all aspects of the math program. Students must complete three credits in mathematics as the minimum graduation requirement. The typical math program sequence will include Algebra 1 in eighth grade, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus. Consumer Math is also offered as an elective to tenth through twelfth-grade students.


Our Science courses are dedicated to fostering a love of science and critical thought. We want our students to view the world scientifically and to use an inquiry-based, problem-solving approach in their everyday lives. Exposing every student to physical science, biology, and chemistry gives each student a biblical and scientific understanding of the world around them. Through hands-on experiments and inquiry-based problem-solving, we go beyond simply teaching students science. Instead, we encourage them to experience science every day.
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