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Academy Application

Thank you for your interest in our academy!

Once your application has been reviewed by administration, you will be contacted to schedule a family interview and tour of the school. All prospective students entering K — 12th grade must take an entrance exam as well.

Please complete a NEW application for EACH student.

OVCA Statement of Faith

Please read and understand the OVCA Statement of Faith prior to completing your application.

Student Information

Please enter the student's first name
Please enter the student's last name
Please enter the student's preferred name

Student's Birthday

/ / Please enter the student's birthday
Please let us know what grade level are your student applying for

You must provide your address
Which parent(s) address is this?

Average Academic Standing required
Please let us know what the current school information is for your student
Please enter the subject your student finds most rewarding
Please enter the subject your student finds most challenging
Please choose at least 1 word to describe your child
Please let us know what some of your student's interests and hobbies outside of school
Please let us know what goals and expectations you have for your student at our school

Has your student ever skipped or repeated a grade level?

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Please let us know what grade level(s) were skipped and/or repeated and why

Has your student ever been diagnosed with a specific learning disability?

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Please let us know what learning disability(ies) your student is diagnosis with

Does your student have an IEP or 504 plan?

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Please let us know what IEP or 504 plan your student currently has in place

Has your student been treated for depression, anxiety, or other emotional issues?

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Has your student ever been arrested?

Invalid Input

Has your student ever been dismissed or asked to withdraw from another school?

Invalid Input

Has your student ever been involved in the use or sale of drugs or alcohol?

Invalid Input

Has your student ever been suspended for disciplinary reasons?

Invalid Input
You must provide an explanation for each item you answered "Yes" for above.

Parent Information

Marital Status

Please provide your Marital Status

Who has legal custody?

Who has legal custody?
Please provide additional information on your custody arrangement.
Invalid Input

Mother/Guardian Information

Father/Guardian Information

Please enter the Mother's first name
Please enter the Mother's last name
Please enter the Father's first name
Please enter the Father's last name
Please enter the Mother's phone number
Please enter the Mother's email address

You must provide your address
Please provide the Mother's occupation and work contact information if applicable.
Please enter the company's name that the Mother works for

You must provide the company address
Please enter the Father's phone number
Please enter the Father's email address

You must provide your address
Please provide the Father's occupation and work contact information if applicable.
Please enter the company's name that the Father works for

You must provide the company address

Religious Information

Please enter the Church name you attend
Please choose your average church attendance
Please enter the Church's phone number
Please enter your Pastor's full name
Please enter your Pastor's email address
Please let us know how you provide spiritual training for your children

You must provide the church address you attend

Reference Information

Please give two (2) complete references for your student. Please include a former school teacher as well as a Sunday school teacher if possible.

Reference #1

Please enter your 1st reference's full name
Please enter how you know reference #1
Please enter reference #1's email address
Please enter reference #1's phone number

Reference #2

Please enter your 2nd reference's full name
Please enter how you know reference #2
Please enter reference #2's email address
Please enter reference #2's phone number

[OV] Christian Terms & Agreements

How did you hear about Ocean View Christian Academy?
Please lets us know how you heard about OVCA

IEP, 504, Custody or Other Important Documents

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By providing your signature in the box, you are acknowledging and fully agreeing to the [OV] Christian Academy Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Agreements, Acknowledgements, and our Public Disclosure.

By providing your signature, you are also indicating that you have read the OVCA statement of faith (above), and are indicating that all the information on this form is true and accurate, to the best of your knowledge.

You Must Provide your Signature to submit.
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